Searching for the best place to buy betta fish online? Betta fish are an often-coveted pet, but if you’re looking for a specific type of betta, you may have to visit several stores before finding the one that meets your needs.
Fortunately, there are many online retailers who specialize in bettas and offer more than just a few types of these beautiful creatures.
Here is our list of the top 10 places to buy betta fish online:
1) Amazon – Sounds strange to purchase fish online, especially from Amazon, but the truth is, each fish is hand-packed and shipped in well-constructed and insulated boxes. Every supplier chooses different materials, so check their reviews before you buy.

2) Glass Aqua – This online retailer has been in business for 15 years and specializes in colorful bettas. They also sell betta food, as well as tanks and other supplies.
3) Coast Gem – One of the best places to buy betta fish online, they have the experts in fish and shipping you need to find rare betta fish. All the fish are hand-picked by breeders who know their stuff.
4) King Koi & Goldfish – Mostly a breeder of tropical fish, they also have a small selection of bettas which they claim to be “true beauties”
5) Petco – A true supplier of quality betta fish, Petco is a reputable brand and offers live betta fish for sale.Top 10 Places to Buy Betta Fish Online. Well, most fish stores carry a limited stock of bettas, but you’ll find a much wider choice of colors and forms if you buy your fish from an online breeder.
6) – A good place to start is the homepage for This site lists their products and provides information on how to care for these little guys (or gals). They offer plenty of supplies such as food, and tanks.
7) Bettas & Art – This is the eBay of live betta fish breeders. You will find the people that use this website are typically hard-core fish enthusiasts, especially in the betta fish world.
8) Seven Sea Supply – This site sells to customers in Malaysia and has a much different feel than other sites. It’s very informative, yet fun!
9) Comet Fish Breeder – Comet offers high-quality fish for sale as well as betta fish care tips. They also offer free shipping on orders over $100 which is a great deal!
10) – Tensaibi-Betta is the most expensive
Purchasing betta fish online is actually pretty straightforward. For specific breeds of betta fish, most sites will have a “breeder list” that you can use to see which sellers offer the specific breed. Shipping betta fish will not harm them, with the exception of betta fish that are weaker on the evolutionary scale. Be sure to check any refund policies of online betta fish suppliers.
Top 10 Places to Buy Betta Fish Online
Well, most fish stores carry a limited stock of bettas, but you’ll find a much wider choice of colors and forms if you buy your fish from an online betta breeder. Breeder – Comet offers high-quality fish for sale as well as betta fish care tips. They also offer free shipping on orders over $100 which is a great deal!
Be sure to have your betta fish tank setup complete by the time your betta fish arrive. A healthy betta fish tank includes a heater, air pump, and filter. Don’t forget to have your betta fish tank ready for arrival when you order a new one. A healthy betta fish tank includes a heater, air pump, and filter.
Your betta fish tank setup should be at least a 5-gallon tank. You should provide your betta fish with plenty of hiding places as well as several plants for them to swim through. Consider some low-level rocks or gravel along the bottom of the tank that will allow the water to circulate more easily.
Are Betta Fish Expensive?
Betta fish, depending on the variety, can cost anywhere from $5.00 to upwards of $100.
Tips: A filter and heater are must-haves for a healthy betta fish tank, but don’t forget about those plants! Consider live or silk plants as well as fresh leaves that your new best friend will be happy to swim through. Betta fish tank decorations are important. Be sure to also provide plenty of hiding places such as caves, floating islands, and low-level rocks in the tank for your betta fish to explore and find.