Best Fish For 100 Gallon Tank

A 100-gallon fish tank may seem rather intimidating to manage and maintain, especially when deciding which fist are best for a 100-gallon fish tank. But with the right knowledge and a smidge of patience, it can be a rewarding endeavor. Taking proper care of such an extensive setup requires some dedication.

A fish tank of this size (100+ Gallons of H2O) opens up the incredible opportunity to house an abundance of beautiful aquatic species. With proper care and knowledge, you can create a stunning aquatic environment in your new aquarium!

When selecting the perfect fish to house in your 100-gallon aquarium, Angelfish should be at the top of your list. Not only are they an exquisite species with eye-catching looks, but their minimal tank requirement of 55 gallons also means that you have plenty of options when it comes to creating a soothing and spacious home for them.

Additionally, upgrading some fish tank decorations around the tank can make any watery living space turn into something truly magical. I love tanks of this size for their versatility and options when it comes to decorating.

List of Fish for 100 Gallons Tank

When selecting fish for a tank as large as 100 gallons, it is important to consider the size of your selection. Too small and you may need additional furnishings such as hiding places; too large and they could find themselves stuck in tight corners! Be sure to pick wisely when deciding on the right aquatic inhabitants for an aquarium this size.

  • Angelfish
  • African Leaf Fish
  • Zebra danios
  • Oscar
  • Silver Dollar 
  • Butterflyfish


angel fish

Tank keepers delight in this captivating freshwater fish, as it provides a variety of colors and patterns to bring an eye-catching vibrancy to their tanks. Its attractive shape makes the fish especially popular among hobbyists.

Angelfish may be quite docile, but that doesn’t mean they won’t turn a tank into an all-you-can-eat buffet. To keep them healthy and happy, try to avoid housing small fish with the Angels as well as any other aggressive species or fin nippers – after all, slow swimmers need care too!

Angelfish (Pterophyllum) boasts a graceful presence at up to 12 inches in height and thrive in tanks of 55 gallons or larger. To realize the fish’s full potential, setting their tank with live plants for hiding spaces as well as plenty of open swimming space and river rocks is essential. When it comes to compatible tankmates, choose medium-sized schooling species such as tetras along with other peaceful community dwellers; angelfish are generally very placid creatures that don’t like confrontation!

African Leaf Fish

african leaf fish

African Leaf Fish is a fascinating addition to any 100-gallon aquarium for their remarkable camouflage abilities and attractive coloring. When near rocks or plants, the vibrant pattern and hue of this fish make it almost imperceptible – a terrific advantage in surprising its prey.

The African Leaf Fish is a docile species that should not be kept in combination with more aggressive fish, as it may become prey. It’s also known by several other names such as Leopard Bush Fish, Leopard Ctenopoma, and Spotted Climbing Perch.

As its name suggests, the African Leaf Fish loves to search for food among leafy vegetation – so take extra caution when housing this aquatic friend!

Polycentropsis abbreviata, known as the ‘Short-tentacled Gulper’, is a semi-aggressive fish capable of growing up to 8 inches. A tank size of 55 gallons or more must be provided in order for it to thrive and remain active, containing plenty of live plants and hiding spots along with peaceful companions that are too large to become prey.

Zebra Danios

zebra danios

Zebra Danios are a perfect addition to community tanks, as their vibrant colors bring life and beauty into an aquatic environment.

Not only do they provide visual appeal, but these peaceful fish can make for easy upkeep – even beginners will find them simple to care for! To ensure your new friends have the best home possible it is recommended that at least four or five of them be kept in one tank so they may thrive together.

Danio Danios, or the Zebrafish, is an easy-maintenance addition to any aquarium. These colorful fish may be small (ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 inches in size), but they need a large tank environment with at least 10 gallons of water capacity and fairly neutral pH levels (in the range of 6.5-7.6) for optimal health and happiness.

The diet can lean towards omnivorous characteristics so careful feeding habits should still be observed; never overfeed this species as it can lead to disease or other issues within your shoal!

As for swimming level preference, Dario Reiro enjoys exploration across all areas of their tanks since temperaments are typically peaceful when properly housed with compatible companions.

Planted backgrounds enhance both viewing pleasure & also provide shelter opportunities throughout its relaxed behaviors for added aquatic bliss.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami

The Dwarf Gourami (or Trichogaster lalius) is a peaceful community fish that strikes the perfect balance between beginner and experienced aquarists.

At 2.5-3 inches, it requires at least 10 gallons of water with temperatures ranging from 75-80 °F; as well as an optimal pH level range of 6.8 to 7.8 for its health and proper development in planted tanks alike.

A true omnivore whose diet consists mostly of small insects or larvae, this mid/top swimmer provides vibrant colors while peacefully coexisting within your aquarium’s established inhabitants – making them ideal candidates for beginners wanting their first taste into freshwater communities

Gouramis are the perfect addition to any community tank, adding a splash of color and sparkle without requiring any extra effort.

Not only are they easy to care for beginners, but their peaceful temperament allows them to peacefully interact with other fish in the tank.

Peaceful by nature as well as great plant companions, swordtail makes your home aquarium look like an underwater paradise.


An Oscar is a type of fish that can live for an impressive 20 years with the right care. Their larger size and sometimes aggressive nature require special maintenance, making them perfect aquarium companions for those wanting to make a long-term investment in their aquatic habitat.

The Oscar is a majestic fish that makes for an impressive addition to any aquatic home. Although it can be kept in pairs, it’s often advisable to keep them solo due to their known aggression.

Be sure your tank provides plenty of swimming area and driftwood furnishings; this will ensure the best possible living space for these dignified creatures.

The Astronotus ocellatus, more commonly known as the Oscar Fish, can reach up to 15 inches in length and requires at least 55 gallons of water for a single-specimen tank. Though its highly aggressive nature may make other fish undesirable tankmates, some Oscars have been observed happily coexisting alongside their own species if given adequate space for swimming.

River rocks are an ideal substrate choice combined with plenty of open areas creating a suitable environment reflective of its natural habitat.

Silver Dollar

This seemingly petite fish species can really surprise you with its potential for growth! With the right care, they can reach up to six inches and remain a peacefully-inclined addition to your aquarium. Just beware of their appetite – these little guys love munching on live plants!

Silver Dollar Fish, or Metynnis argenteus as they are scientifically known, boast a peaceful temperament and look beautiful in both home aquariums and outdoor ponds.

When housing these fish together it’s important to remember that the minimum tank size for a school of six should be 100 gallons; anything less may cause them stress which can limit their lifespan.

To maximize your pet’s comfort you’ll also need rocks scattered throughout to provide shelter from other medium-sized tankmates – just ensure there is still plenty of room left for swimming!


The brilliantly colored butterflyfish is an ideal choice for aquarists looking to add a special, captivating touch to their 100-gallon tank. Its unique shape and pattern make the fish breathtaking – sure to be admired as its very own aquatic centerpiece!

Butterflyfish, scientifically known as Chaetodontidae, are a popular option for aquariums due to their peaceful temperament and size (maximum 12-22 cm). For optimum care, they should be kept in tanks of 75 gallons or more with plenty of hiding spots provided by rocks and corals. They do best when paired with medium-sized tankmates unable to become prey. If you’re looking for a vibrant addition to your home reef system look no further than the butterflyfish!

Effectively Maintaining 100 Gallon Fish Tank

Keeping a clean and healthy environment for your fish is essential to their overall well-being. 100 gallons of water can seem daunting, but with regular cleaning and filter maintenance, the aquarium will stay unpolluted. Additionally, it’s important not to overfeed as this may lead to health complications or even death in some cases. Create an ideal home by providing the right care – you’ll be rewarded with happy aquatic friends!

How to set up a 100-gallon community tank?

Ready to dive into the hobby of setting up a community tank? All you need is a 100-gallon aquarium and some simple supplies for success (and of course patience!)

  • Substrate
  • Filter
  • Heater
  • Light
  • Air pump
  • Live aquatic plants


A substrate can give your tank a beautiful and engaging look for both fish and plants. For planted tanks, it provides the ideal environment to help them take root; but caution should be taken when introducing bottom-dwelling species as sharp or hard substrates may harm their delicate barbels. Soft materials such as sand are highly recommended in these cases.


Keep your fish tank healthy and clean with a filter! Biofilter media helps remove dangerous toxins like ammonia and nitrite, ensuring the safety of all its inhabitants. Investing in this essential component could be one of the best decisions you make for keeping your aquatic ecosystem pristine.


Tropical freshwater fish have unique needs, including warm and stable water temperatures for optimum health. Without these conditions, they’re unable to maintain their aquatic-based lifestyle in peak conditions.


Illuminating a fish tank is essential for not only visual beauty but also to promote plant growth. However, moderation should be kept in mind; too much light may lead to uncontrolled algae bloom. Installing a timer onto the lighting system of your aquarium will help avoid any issues arising from extended periods of exposure and keep everything looking great!

Air Pump

Introducing an air pump to your fish tank is essential for keeping it well-oxygenated. This can help protect the aquarium inhabitants from suffering due to lack of oxygen and also supports beneficial bacteria in breaking down harmful toxins, such as ammonia and nitrite – avoiding further water issues that could cut their lives short.

Deep Final Thoughts

Maintaining a 100-gallon tank is an enjoyable challenge to take on – it’s all about keeping the environment clean and making smart choices when selecting its inhabitants. Choosing fish with appropriate sizes for their habitat will help them move freely while paying attention to the distinct characteristics of each species can ensure that everyone in your aquatic roomie circle gets along swimmingly!

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